Razmataz: Razmataz
Track List
01 Feel So Good02 The Last Time

Tommy Milan-Vocals
Luis Galdames-Guitar
Keith Morgan-Drums
Jake Jackson-Bass #1
Jake Jackson-Bass #2
Ohio natives and best friends, Tommy Milan (vocals), and Jake Jackson (bass), set out to Hollywood, California, seeking fame and fortune on the ever popular Sunset Strip in early 1990.
Upon their arrival, they hooked up with guitar player Luis Galdames, and started working on songs and putting things in place to hit the strip.
Now, they needed a drummer. Freshly arrived to Hollywood, drummer Keith Alan put out an ad in the Rock City New: Drummer with flash and balls, ready to take over Hollywood, then the world...They called.
One rehearsal was all it took for all four guys to know that something magical was happening. Each brought their individual influences to the table. Tommy was an ex-Chip and Dale dancer, and magician also. He brought an exciting theatrical vibe to being an incredible frontman. Luis was heavy into Cheap Trick and The Beatles, so very melodic. Jake was more into heavier music and brought that to the stage. Keith was a very visual drummer that brought the Motley Crue/Poison type image, with the metal type playing. The cocktail couldn't be more perfect. The thing they all agreed on was the vision to be the coolest, most high energy party roc band that the Sunset Strip has not seen for a long while.
Keith came up with the band name, Razmataz, and now it was time to get to work. So for the next few months, the band rehearsed night and day to put together the show they always wanted to see.
They knew perception was everything. If we are going to be big, we need to come out big and fast. So they rented the famous Florintine Gardens, bought 2000 tickers, and gave them to everyone they met, promoted the shit out the show with relentless flyering, billboards, full page ads, etc. Rented a limo and just blew it out.
The very first show had a line wrapped around the building with people excited to see who the fuck this band was, SOLD OUT!
Instantly Razmataz bypassed most bands on the strip, and became a headlining act. After only a few shows, interest started brewing.
Poison drummer Rikki Rocket got in touch with the band and offered to have the band record at his studio in Burbank, The Rocket Plant. They recorded 3 songs on this CD there.
Shortly after, Jake had to move back to Ohio and was replaced by Keith's old friend, T.J. Thomas. T.J. went on to re-record the bass tracks, and it was released to popular demand. This is about the time grunge music swept the country, and suddenly, Hollywood, California Sunset Strip was not the go-to location to find the next band to take over the world. Bad timing!
Razmataz was formed in late 1991 and called it in late 1993.
People who saw it and lived it, will never forget it. People today will never know it.
Long live rock!
Long live Razmataz!